In line with Health & Safety Executive | Employment Rights Act 1996

By Law

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 there must be a written health and safety policy which identifies the chain of responsibility at the venue and the arrangements for accident reporting, first aid, fire and safety. The law emphasises the control of risk in workplaces and the idea of risk assessment which means an examination of what could cause harm and an evaluation of whether sufficient precautions have been taken and what more could be done. 

Health & Safety Policy 

My policy is to ensure that I as the Artist will be safe and healthy on every booking. Please make sure you carry out your own risk assessment identifying any hazards you notice and verify how you can control those risks prior to the scheduled booking. It is a legal requirement to give me the right information, instruction, training and competence for the working condition. 

Working Conditions

Booking Location

  • A safe place to work and safe access to and from it

  • Safe arrangements for the use & handling of equipment 

  • Sufficient information, instructions, training and supervision to ensure all employees are well equipped to avoid hazards and contribute positively to effective Health and Safety at work

  • A working environment that allows for adequate rest, nutrition, hydration

  • A working environment that is conducive to psychological as well as physical health in order to meet the performance demands of the Artist

Performance Space/Rehearsal Space

The requirements for safe and optimal Artist practice are:

  • Safe and appropriate spaces to work in

  • A clean, suitable floor with the appropriate surface for the type of choreography/direction/dance/sport/movement

  • A high enough ceiling to allow jumping, leaping and lifting without obstruction

  • Enough space so that when limbs are outstretched the Artist has enough personal space not to come into contact with an obstruction/person

  • Natural lighting (for regularly used rehearsal spaces and studios)

  • Well-ventilated

  • Heating able to be maintained at a comfortable 21c; not going below 18c, unless otherwise agreed

  • Providing welfare facilities such as first aid and washing and toilet facilities

  • A respectably private & safe place for the Artist to get changed in between fittings & costume changes for performance 

Fire Safety

Upon arrival I must be advised of the fire action procedure, location of fire alarms and fire exits.

Electrical Equipment Safety 

Most portable electrical equipment is constructed to high safety standards, but the law says it must be regularly maintained to avoid risks to you, your colleagues or the public. The law on this area is the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, which covers the maintenance of these appliances and requires that equipment must be inspected and tested. A qualified person such as an electrician should always test your equipment. Entertainers have been injured and even killed from electric shocks whilst rehearsing or performing. Even a small electric current flowing through your body can kill you; the current necessary to light a 60 watt lamp (250 milliamps) is sufficient to electrocute 5 people simultaneously and one twentieth of an amp (50 milliamps) can cause pain, paralysis and upset of the heart beat. So take all necessary precautions to avoid this hazard.